
Hi! I'm a geobiologist from the USA. I graduated in 2022 with my masters in Biology. My undergraduate studies were in Environmental Geocience with a minor in Russian language and Eastern European studies. Both of my degrees are from Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, where I was active in both the Geology and Biology departments, as well as with student outreach. Post-graduation, I've sought to gain experience by working in different environments [large labs vs small, government vs private, etc].

My primary goal is to obtain a PhD so I can continue on to work as a research astrogeobiologist. In the mean time, I'm currently searching for an opening in these areas in the US or Europe:

⋆   field hydrogeology or geobiology monitoring extreme environments and/or researching the resident extremophiles
⋆   aerospace-adjacent labs working with astromaterials, plant pathology, or geobiological spaceflight experiments

Research Interests

I'm currently in search of either an industry or academic opening focused in astrobiology/astrogeobiology that prioritizes/includes field work.

My research interests include the geobiochemical aspects of Mars, microfossil formation and preservation, and Earth-Mars analogs. Anywhere from stromatolite/microbial mats, to polar microbe research, to isolated cave systems. I'm very passionate about field research and extreme environments and how they relate to astrobiology.

Previously, my research has been observing the effects of acid deposition and acid mine drainage on algal physiology, microbial ecology, bedrock geology, and aqueous geochemistry in headwater streams of Northeast Pennsylvania. Before that, I used multiple types of microscopy to determine the possible origin of two different calcite formation types along Arionoceras orthocerid siphuncles. Specifically, observing the differences in calcite formations deposited during life vs. post death/during mineralization.

GSA Phoenix [abstract]

Award - GSA 2019 Geobio + Geomicrobio Division - Undergrad Poster

M.S. Thesis [F '22]

please go to Data Files in the sidebar for the Figures, Tables, and Appendices!

Effects of Microplastics in Red Crayfish

BU COST Research Day Spring 2020
Collected data and provided statistics [R]. Managed crayfish aquaria with Caitlin Collins.

News + Updates

☼ Curriculum Vitae [New - 2024]

1-20-25: resolved errors with responsive text, images, and other formatting over the last two weeks

1-1-25: ❅ Happy new year! :D ❅

5-5-24: switched to responsive textboxes, fixed issues that made pages unusable on mobile

5-5-24: Updated CV with linked qr code [business cards], reworked/fixed some pages

4-30-24: added search bar

1-2-24: Upgraded the homepage "featured" slideshow, fixed CSS

1-1-24: ❅ Happy new year! :D ❅

12-31-23: Added CV and blog page. Happy New Year! :D

Up next: visitor counter and search bar!

Cohort pics coming soon!

Data files coming soon!

pics coming soon! :] [have to dig them up!]